Top 10 Refrigerator Recommendations

Samsung offers this extra-large refrigerator to help keep food and beverages organized while preventing overcrowding, featuring fingerprint-resistant glass doors in multiple fingerprint-resistant finishes and available in several sizes.

The smart refrigerator features a convenient door-in-door function, adjustable shelves and drawers, humidity controls in crisper drawers and is Energy Star certified – making this an attractive and energy efficient purchase option.

1. Samsung RF27T5501SR

LG refrigerators consistently make our list of best fridges due to their excellent reviews, quality craftsmanship and innovative features like Family Hub and InstaView Door-in-Door technology. This model from the brand stands out with both.

The InstaView fridge allows you to get an overview of what’s inside without opening and releasing cold air from inside. Plus, its customizable doors and finishes help make this an attractive addition to any kitchen decor!

2. Smeg SF-R602

Retro fridge with vivid colors and round shapes, designed by Matteo Bazzicalupo and Raffaella Mangiarotti for Smeg’s 50’s Style collection is sure to add personality and charm wherever it stands.

Ideal for soup-making, the Blendtec can easily incorporate hot ingredients directly into a pot or pan for seamless blending. Furthermore, its performance also stands up well when used for smoothies or crushing ice.

3. Beko BB603

The Beko BB603 counter depth refrigerator boasts dual evaporators, filtered water dispenser, and ample storage capacity (6 adjustable door bins, two drawers and an automatic icemaker in addition to its fingerprint resistant finish).

With features like EverFresh+ and NeoFrost Dual Cooling, it provides outstanding food preservation capabilities while remaining quiet. Unfortunately, however, it isn’t Wi-Fi enabled – an issue if you plan on using manufacturer apps to manage your fridge.

4. LG IG604

Alex Woollam of Waterline Plumbing considers LG fridges among the best available due to their energy efficiency and climate-control features, customer support and 24/7 warranty support.

The IG604 smart refrigerator boasts built-in apps to perform various functions such as remote monitoring and alarms; you can even connect it to your smartphone!

5. GE IG604

Refrigerators take up significant space in any kitchen. Therefore, it’s crucial that you find one that meets both your needs and compliments the rest of your decor.

Example: Some individuals prefer side-by-side refrigerators while others may favor French door refrigerators, which separate the freezer from the fridge compartments. Being aware of your own personal preferences before shopping will help narrow down the possibilities and help make decisions easier.

6. LG IG605

Even without all of the bells and whistles, this slim fridge provides ample storage capacity with its no-frost freezer and adjustable compartments that let you maximize space usage.

This refrigerator’s intelligent door-in-door allows you to conveniently check on milk and cartons without letting cool air escape, and features an intelligent light system with changing colours to help keep an eye on what is inside.

7. LG IG606

LG is known for being at the forefront of cutting-edge technology, and their fridge offers an intuitive touchscreen user interface to help manage your calendar and grocery list.

Some models come equipped with panel-ready cabinets for an integrated look and can include built-in Keurigs. Other luxurious features, like swiveling door bins and panoramic LED lighting add extra flare; however, these may incur an additional charge.

8. LG IG607

The LG IG607 smart refrigerator boasts several convenient features, including door-in-door storage to easily access cartons and jars, an interior beverage center, a knock-to-open feature for hands-free access and knock-to-open functionality.

Though not equipped with smart technology, this fridge offers exceptional value and looks great placed alongside countertops. Furthermore, it performs exceptionally in controlled tests.

9. LG IG608

LG may be best known for their TVs and speakers, but they also make outstanding kitchen appliances such as refrigerators. Their refrigerators boast innovative features like door-in-door storage that keeps snacks and beverages close at hand.

Their fridges feature excellent temperature controls, while their French door models boast sleek and modern looks – but these premium priced options may stretch your budget beyond expectations.

10. Bosch 800

Yale Appliance has recommended the Bosch 800 as an ideal machine for anyone seeking a quieter machine that delivers superior drying options and offers more style variety than its 500 series counterpart. It comes equipped with CrystalDry system and unique MyWay third rack which surpasses standard cutlery-focused rack in 500 series; Glass 40oC mode; Speed 60 cycle provide more delicate dish care options;
