noise canceling headphone review

Noise cancelling headphones are an indispensable way to transform a long commute or airplane flight into an enjoyable audio experience, providing exceptional noise cancellation while still delivering superior sound quality for music listening. The best models offer excellent noise suppression while offering top quality sound for audio playback.

If you’re shopping for noise canceling headphones, first think about what features matter to you most and your own priorities. Our list below can help guide your selection process of the perfect noise-canceling headphone for you!

Sound Quality

Active noise canceling headphones are designed to not only muffle ambient noise, but they should also deliver excellent sound quality – something especially crucial when listening to music, podcasts or taking voice calls through them.

Top-rated models from Sony, Bose and other providers create a sound bubble that blocks out ambient sounds without interfering with audio. This enables you to concentrate in noisy offices without distraction, relax on plane or train rides without interference and get some restful rest at home.

If you’re on a tight budget but looking for great noise-canceling headphones, the Wyze Labs Space One could be just what you’re searching for. These budget headphones provide a range of features at under $100 including touch controls, adaptive noise cancellation and transparency mode; plus support for latest Bluetooth codecs aptX and LDAC; ideal if your high-end smartphone lacks compatible codecs like DSP audio output – though don’t expect sound quality equivalent to premium noise-cancelling models.

Noise Cancellation

Noise cancelling headphones utilize microphones to listen for noises around you and use onboard electronics to emit opposite soundwaves that cancel out ambient sounds – letting you focus on your music instead!

Noise-canceling headphones have seen great strides forward over the years, becoming better equipped at blocking out lower sounds such as plane engines to higher ones like your seatmate’s animated conversation. Unfortunately, however, these headphones still can’t block out all outside noises – particularly short duration sounds such as sudden calls.

Focal Bathys over-ear Bluetooth headphones feature active noise cancellation that helps them produce loud volumes without damaging hearing. Their active noise cancellation can effectively mask most ambient noise around you even when music is off; their light ANC is most effective at reducing continuous sounds rather than sudden ones; however, they don’t isolate as effectively from surrounding noise as Bose QuietComfort Ultra does.


Noise canceling headphones enable listeners to focus on audio content without external distractions such as lawnmowers or office chatter. Top-rated models provide effective noise cancellation without compromising voice quality or depleting battery life.

These headphones are an excellent choice for frequent flyers seeking to drown out airplane engine noise and distracting fellow passengers with conversation. Offering effective noise cancellation, comfortable fit, and solid audio performance at an economical price point.

Though their noise cancellation may not be as strong, these headphones still provide an environment free of distracting background noises and comfortable for extended use without feeling cumbersome or awkward.

Edifier’s second-generation of these headphones offer maximum comfort at an economical price point, featuring lightweight construction, easy folding, a carrying pouch doubles as an emergency charger, an onboard microphone, support for lossless LDAC audio codec and more.

Battery Life

Nose-canceling headphones tend to come equipped with wireless Bluetooth connectivity and microphones for hands-free phone calls, making them great for air travel and daily commutes alike. At home they can help reduce heating system noise or computer fan noise so as to provide peace and quiet when blocking out these annoying annoyances.

Noise cancellation often compromises audio quality, but premium sets like Sony WH-1000XM5 and Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds offer both noise cancelling and fantastic audio performance. Focal’s Bathys also boast adaptive noise cancelling that adapts depending on their surroundings, yet remain rather costly at $699 each.

Edifier’s W820NB Plus headphones offer excellent value at an attractive price, with comfortable fit and noise isolation as well as a comprehensive software feature set. Support for the high-fidelity Bluetooth codecs aptX and LDAC adds clarity and detail to your music listening experience.
