electric toothbrush review

Electric toothbrushes offer numerous advantages to manual models when it comes to brushing – timers and pressure sensors help make sure that every morning and night you receive an extensive cleaning.

Which model is the best option? While certain models feature extras such as app connectivity and sleek travel cases, none seem to stand out as clear winners. So which one should you go for?

Battery life

Modern electric toothbrushes don’t rely on stands to charge, like older brushes did; most can run for two weeks on one charge and may come equipped with travel cases so you don’t have to find another charger while away from home.

Importantly, most toothbrushes will alert you when their battery needs charging by flashing a light or changing color – make sure you pay attention! Furthermore, charging up before running low ensures you won’t miss brushing altogether!

Olivia Lipski, media and tech product reviews analyst for Good Housekeeping Institute. She spearheaded our recent categorical lab and consumer testing of electric toothbrushes, in partnership with Aral. Olivia also has years of product review experience covering gadgets in tech, travel, fitness, home, home security and more for Good Housekeeping Institute. Olivia proudly owns both Philips and Oral-B electric toothbrushes; switching back and forth regularly due to being unable to decide which she prefers better!

Brushing time

Most dentists advise brushing teeth for two minutes each time, yet many people and especially kids don’t stick with this recommendation. Our PEOPLE Tested toothbrushes feature built-in timers to help make sure you brush for two minutes as recommended and also beep or pause every 30 seconds to help focus on one quadrant at a time and a red indicator light that indicates too much pressure has been applied when brushing.

As well as timers, some electric brushes also come equipped with sensors that detect pressure, facial recognition, head recognition, and head pressure. Some even connect to smartphone apps for tracking brushing habits and sharing results. It is essential that you replace your toothbrush or brush head every three months for deep cleaning results and make sure to use fluoride toothpaste along with soft bristled brushes for best results as well as avoid foods and drinks which could harm them.

Brushing pressure

Electric toothbrushes are more sophisticated than their manual counterparts. Some models feature warning lights when brushing too hard, as well as notifications sent directly to a smartphone app tracking your brushing habits.

The Oral-B 8000 Series toothbrush is an example of such a toothbrush, offering features such as a two-minute timer and pressure sensor which alerts when brushing too hard, plus battery charge indicator, travel case, and additional brush heads.

But despite these features, an electric toothbrush still is no magic wand; you should brush teeth thoroughly twice daily for two minutes for best results. Even top-rated models with two-minute timers and sensitivity sensors may still harm oral health if used incorrectly.

Brush head

The top electric toothbrushes feature multiple brush heads to accommodate different mouth shapes. Furthermore, these toothbrushes come equipped with a pressure sensor to detect when you are brushing too hard and help protect gums and enamel against damage from brushing too aggressively. Furthermore, two minute timers ensure you brush for the appropriate duration.

Most people don’t brush long enough or with the correct technique, and an electric toothbrush can help make sure your teeth stay as clean as possible. Some models include features like timers and pressure sensors to avoid overly aggressive brushing. They’re easier than manual brushes and take up less room in your bathroom counter, making this option perfect for anyone wanting to improve their brushing routine – this model comes complete with travel case and takes only three hours for charging, plus comes equipped with 2-years worth of replacement brush heads!
